Feb 16, 2023
And denied of opportunity, growth and personal success at every turn. That’s how it is today for more than 200,000 incarcerated women in the United States. They, like all of us, made a mistake. Only their lapse in judgment came with a different consequence.
Televerde has a unique business model. They create opportunities for incarcerated women to train for and then work in CX jobs. They help incarcerated women transition back into society by allowing them to transfer into a Televerde center as their sentence is completed.
Michelle Cirocco is the Chief Impact Officer at Televerde and CEO of the Televerde Foundation - based in Phoenix, Arizona. She talked to Peter Ryan about how Televerde has taken an unusual approach to locating new talent - an approach that gives people a chance to rebuild their life.
It's great for the individuals that get a chance to train and be employed again, but it's also great for clients of Televerde as they can access a pool of highly motivated talent - just as it is getting harder and harder to locate and hire people.