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CX Files

Jan 31, 2020

The CX Company has been designing chatbots and conversational AI systems for 15 years. Their software engages over 4 million customers every day. 

Simon Foot is the UK and Ireland Director of The CX Company and he talked to me about the opportunities for chatbots and why there are so many disappointing chatbot...

Jan 24, 2020

Matt Sims is the founding director of 4t4Consult, based in the UK.

Until last year he was the CEO of Teleperformance in the UK and South Africa. He has taken some time off to go running and fishing, but now he is back in the CX market as an adviser. In the podcast he explains what his clients are looking for - both from...

Jan 17, 2020

Martin Hill-Wilson is one of the best-known CX advisors from the UK. He has been training, advising, and mentoring CX leaders for decades now and his company Brainfood Consulting is presently focused on emotive CX for customer interactions.

In this episode of CX Files Martin focuses on emotive CX and how we can avoid...

Jan 10, 2020

James Dodkins is better known as the CX Rock Star. He blends music and business insight when helping companies improve their CX. Customer Experience magazine recently called him the #1 CX Influencer in the UK. 

In this episode we discuss how companies need to change so they function more like a football team, how to...

Jan 3, 2020

Gary Slade is the UK and South Africa CEO of Teleperformance. In over 30 years working in CX he believes that this is the most exciting time to be in the industry. In the interview Gary talks about security, offshoring, content moderation, innovation, and work at home agents - it's a real look ahead to CX trends in...